
搜索"Red" ,找到 部影视作品

希区柯克剧场 第三季
lt;pgt;An arrogant detective, Charles Courtney, prides himself on never having committed a single mistake in his long and distinguished career. He keeps a shelf of labeled mementos from each of his cases. On the shelf there is an open space and a blank ta
希区柯克剧场 第四季
lt;pgt;《希区柯克悬疑短篇故事集:第四季》(Alfred Hitchcock Presents:Season Four) 是著名悬疑大师希区柯克的电视节目。这节目是单元剧,每集一个故事,在故事播放前后,希区柯克也会展示他一贯的英式幽默。紧张大师希区柯克的成就并不只有电影,他对美国的电视业也同样大有贡献,由他本人担任主持的希区柯克剧场每周推出一部短片,风格融合了恐怖、剧情、悬疑、幽默等元素,好看程度毫不输给他的那些长片。第四季总共收录了36个故事,适合心理镇定人士在深夜入睡前观看,平常爱做噩梦的免碰为
不能说的女儿 第一季
lt;pgt;Australias pop princess Jessica Mauboy stars in the Seven Network premiere event series THE SECRET DAUGHTER, the charming and heartfelt story of a small-town country pub singer (Mauboy) whose life changes forever after a chance meeting with a wealt
不能说的女儿 第二季
lt;pgt;After reconnecting with her mothers side of the family, Billie Carter (Jessica Mauboy) returns to the city finally knowing that she is Jack Nortons secret daughter. Which means shes now a millionaire. Billie throws herself into her glamorous new li
女友 第二季
lt;pgt;Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose enemy #1 is the cooler than cool EDISON from down t